Held a wedding during this pandemic is certainly difficult, but if you comply with government regulations and also follow established health standards, it will certainly prevent transmission. The celebration of receptions with health protocols is highly recommended.so we share,
How to apply health standards to your current wedding plan
1. Guest Count
The capacity of the wedding venue should only be filled around 50% of normal capacity. Don’t forget to provide a special room for guests who are found to have a body temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius and prepare hand sanitizers on several sides.
2. The concept of the wedding is more personal and intimate
If you intend to hold a wedding reception in the middle of a corona pandemic, one of the things you should consider is to make the event smaller or intimate. With an intimate concept, in addition to getting a more sacred event, it can also do physical distancing standards. Invite guests who you think are close and will come to your wedding.
3. Arrange Layout And Decoration
Coordinate with your catering and wedding organizer to arrange the layout to match the physical distancing standards, multiply the handwashing area, and make sure the place is easily accessible to guests.
4. Using standard health equipment
Guests, Wedding Organizer, and vendors are required to wear masks, gloves, and face shields. Yes, this rule is enforced to maintain mutual security. This is also done so as to give the impression of being safe and comfortable for everyone involved in the wedding reception. and don’t forget to set up hand sanitizers in several places in the venue.
5. Check The Body Temperature Of All Personnel Involved

In addition to using standard health equipment, checking body temperature is also mandatory. If there are people who have temperatures above 37.2 degrees Celsius and have symptoms of Covid-19 then they are not allowed to attend the wedding
Avoid contacting directly, using digital tools to run your events, such as online registration, digital guest book, and others. Keep your distance from guests, shake hands with just body gestures
7. Dress and suit in accordance with health standards
Measure your body temperature and wear a mask when discussing and fitting, drying each dress that has been used fitting. Don’t forget to dress laundry and jass that you will use. It would be better if you have more than 1 dress and jass when your wedding takes place
8. Wedding photos
Even though your wedding photos will feel different, do social distancing while taking a photo, let your photographer direct all your guests to stick to social distancing standards, and keep your wedding photo results well.
9. Stay Healthy
Enough rest, eat healthy food and keep exercising. It is very important to take care of your health so that you can still plan your wedding and be able to make the right decision, continue to apply a healthy lifestyle towards the event day.
If you need help from a wedding planner for your wedding in Bali, do not hesitate to contact us Bali Exotic Wedding