A wedding proposal is a moment where the bond of your love is just one step towards the altar. Before carrying out marriage, of course, the most crucial thing done by a bride and groom is to prepare a wedding proposal. The wedding proposal is proof of the seriousness of a man to marry his future wife in the presence of parents and the bride’s bride. Now to prepare a wedding proposal to be successful and memorable, we think you should pay attention to the following.
Here are tips for planning your wedding proposal.
1. The first step is important to know your future spouse’s personality and what she likes. Is she a private person? Would she want her best friend and family to be there? Or would she enjoy the wows of a public proposal? The idea here is to create a meaningful and memorable thing for her. Do not make it complicated, for that may cause more things to go wrong on that day! You also don’t want to be overly stressed out. If you are having trouble putting the pieces together, get help from your close friends, or enlist the help of a professional proposal planner.
2. Before you proceed to pop the question, it would be a good gesture to ask your parents-in-law for ‘permission’. Also, do pay attention to the timing of your proposal. Try to avoid times when your future spouse is stressed or overwhelmed. Make sure that you have both spoken about marriage beforehand as well, the last thing you want is to shock her into a decision she is not ready for.
3. Do make plans to catch the moment on camera, fiancé’s reaction will be priceless. You both will also want to remember and relive the moment in years to come.
If you need help from a wedding planner for your wedding in Bali, do not hesitate to contact us Bali Exotic Wedding