Who doesn’t want to find Mr. Right and marry him? This is what every woman on this planet dreamed of. Spend the rest of your life with him and grow old together. But who would have thought that it will not as easy as you think? A lot of considerations and drama along your way to your wedding day. And this is all about Pre-Marriage Syndrome.
1. What is Pre-Marriage syndrome?
It is a situation that most women who experience it and phase in which you will feel doubts, freak out, afraid and electron everywhere. It will make you think about everything twice or more. Like “Is this what I really want?” “Do I have to do this?” “Is he the best for me?” Those questions will haunt you whenever you think about your upcoming wedding. Not only arguing with him, with his and your family also
2. Indications of Getting Pre-Marriage Syndrome
Pre-marriage syndrome indications in each person must be different, depending on their personality and how they react. In general, the pre-marriage syndrome will make you feel anxious, less concentrated, and mixed feelings before the wedding. You worry if it turns out he’s not the right one for you, having thoughts about the wedding will not going smoothly, not feeling ready with your status changes, and feelings about what will happen about your relationship with your mother-in-law. On a more serious level, pre-marriage syndrome can make you stressful, lack of appetite or even over-eating, temperament, and also insomnia.
3.Bye-Bye Freedom?
Marriage life is not only about you. Your concern is getting bigger now and two minds become one. Two big families become one. Worried after marriage then your freedom will be lost, can’t spend your salary for personal use, not to mention the thought of losing your admirers. You have to throw these thoughts away from your head because married life is going to change how do live your life with your partner. You’ll meet a new kind of responsibilities, resolving issues, and more together
Your married friends talking about their hard marriage life makes you afraid? And yes it’ll not be going smooth like all Disney movies’ ending. And there’s come your worst though you’ll divorce because you’re feeling unhappy at all. Well, all those bad rumors about post married blues could be happening to you but it now depends on you. How you handle it and how you take the lesson from it with your partner. Start to think positively and create your own happiness in your new chapter of life.
5. Tired of your Pre-Marriage Syndrome? Try this
If you’re getting tired of this drama, try to have “Me-Time”. Do something that you like or pampering yourself in a day spa, salon or shopping. And after that, call your partner and ask him to hang out with you without talking about any wedding things and just have your time together. You can also hang out with your best friend or your mother and tell them all about your problems. They must be loved to listen, support and give you some advice. Don’t forget to think positive every time, have fun, and enjoy the flow.
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